I don't know what I'm doing....
kinjruh's Articles In Misc
April 15, 2005 by kinjruh
I was listening to Vitamin C last night and thinking about some things that were particularly bothering me lately and I realized that the things that I am focusing all my attention and worry on can only last so long, and then they are over forever. The little conflicts (even though they seem so significant and hurtfull now) will eventually heal and if I would only grow up and make the effort, then they could heal a great deal faster. I'm really going to miss Brandon, and no matter how much ...
April 6, 2005 by kinjruh
March 31, 2005 by kinjruh
Well, I know I haven't written in a while, and I'm so sorry, but I have had nothing to write about and I've been swamped with life in general lately(any one out there felt that way for like a whole month?) So, any way, I wrote a poem today during geometry- most of all because geometry generally depresses me, but I'm had an epiphany of self-realization. I realized that the way I present myself is the only way people know how to treat me-this being a bad thing overall when I put myself in the...
March 13, 2005 by kinjruh
WOW! Class plays are so SO SO unpredictable! The last night of the play is ultimatly the night for screwing up the play and driving the directors(Mrs. Groff and Mrs. Mendenhall-poor things...) insane. Every one knows this, so typically, all of the high school students choose to show up on this final night. Many altercations were done spontainiously, but many hade been planned. The crack at the mad tea party was spontainious and somewhat undetectable if you didn't know it was goi...
March 9, 2005 by kinjruh
Humans. Ahhh...what mysterious being are these who would give their lives, their dignity and their sacred honor...for such an unattainable thing such as control. What has our motive behind all we do come to? Why is it that humans are born to thirst after power in the first place? Where did this tortuous epiphany arise from? Upon looking in my pschology book today, I came accross the realization that ever disorder I had just read about, was based on the need for control. For example,...
March 2, 2005 by kinjruh
Green Day....Aw, sweet surrender. My heart, it doth wake only for thee... Reason 1: They understand mass media and the effect it has on our youth and general public.(American Idiot) Reason 2: They reason with the religious aspects of the office.(Jesus of Suberbia) Reason 3: They posses wise, Ghandi like mind frames and are capable of reuninting the world in peace. (Something unpridictable) Reason 4: They have experianced the hardships and sorrows that the average american is facing i...
March 1, 2005 by kinjruh
What is this hope? What is this tortuous epiphany of disclosure? Why must i go on fantisizing over these pointless conversations. Or that frivolous glance you stole today? That spark of maybe...maybe something. The glimmer in your lingering eye...the one you may not even detect. Perhaps, it isn't even there. Could it be that it was but a figment of my hopeful imagination? Have I really gone that far? My fantasizes are becoming my realities. My only reality revolves it's self aroun...
February 27, 2005 by kinjruh
WELCOME BACK!!!!! I am soooooooo happy that you all made it back alive! I want to hear everything! EVERTHING!!!! I bet ya'll had so so mcu fun! I can't wait to hear all the articles, there had better be alot of them! Did any thing really crazy or unexpected happen? Did any thing perfectly predictable happen? Were there any awsome bonding moments? I want these questions answered by tomorrow! I mean it !!!!! Your-so-glad-ya'll-are-back-friend, KINJRUH
February 21, 2005 by kinjruh
Have you ever been driving along, close to sunset, and you look out your window and see the sky, completely aluminated in bright orange and soft pink with a glory all in its self? How can any one who can see such an awsome, unbeleivable sight, still deny the one true living God? How can you say to your self, there is no God, while in the overwhelming glory of his presents? Do you ever just break down and cry because he is so good to you? I do. In the midst of all my pain and my worries, ...
February 20, 2005 by kinjruh
She loves me...she loves me not. She loves me...she loves me not. As obvious as this may seem, if you are picking petels off of a stupid flower to get closure, then maybe you will get the jist of this article. If love( or what we call love) is only a will to posses, then how can we tell ourselves that this is love? We have become so used to lying to ourselves, that we wouldn't know love if we ate it for breakfast. Fimilar quotes and lines to some of my favorite songs run through ...