I don't know what I'm doing....
What is the world comming to?
Published on February 20, 2005 By kinjruh In Misc
She loves me...she loves me not. She loves me...she loves me not.
As obvious as this may seem, if you are picking petels off of a stupid flower to get closure, then maybe you will get the jist of this article.

If love( or what we call love) is only a will to posses, then how can we tell ourselves that this is love? We have become so used to lying to ourselves, that we wouldn't know love if we ate it for breakfast. Fimilar quotes and lines to some of my favorite songs run through my head on an everyday basis, but do I really comprehend what these words are telling me? Are they having an effect on the way I view myself? Are they defining this thing we've come to call "love?" Songs like O-Towns "Is it all- or nothing at all," this is what I'm talking about. The emotional draw it has on us can take us way out of the stage of formal reasoning and into this plethora of emotions and feelings that we feel make up this love. We have come to beleive that when we stop having these feelings, then love is gone. How have we learned to base love on our fickel emotions? Maybe you all have some good advice. I have to go, so I'll follow up on this later!

Live and learn,

on Feb 20, 2005
I do not think that love is just the will to possess, but I do not think that it is something that can be explained by formal reasoning as it is traditionally thought of.

There is no element of logic that will tell you you are in love. Since love is an emotion, being "in love" will always be something based on emotions, not reasoning.

True love, however, is emotion that can be logically traced to and equated with the individual that has caused it. Love, then, is not only a feeling, but a real and physical manifestation, and this is something that cannot be lost simply because a "feeling" is gone.
on Feb 20, 2005
Can I say A-men!?

Capt. over and out!
on Feb 20, 2005
Love, ah....yes there's an emotion for you. It can bring such pain, such excruciating pain and yet....exctasy beyond anything else this world has to offer. Love, is something that is hard to play with. Love is not the will to possess that's lust. Love is the feeling that you get when you are around someone and your heart beats faster, your mind is at peace....they are the entire world to you. You can spend so much time just enjoying their company. A fluttery feeling when they talk to you, a jolt when you embrace....and an overwhelming feeling when you kiss. Love is when you love someone thoroughly, not just physically but you love the way they act, talk, their humor.....yes, that is a fairly good definiton....there's more of course, much more that you can only understand when you're there.

Well...that's what I can say about it...some songs can describe it rather well....yes, but to know love personally....then you understand the words.

on Feb 20, 2005
Society has changed the meaning of love....when someone sits a picks pedals from a flower all they are doing is thinking. They are not baseing their love on a flower....at least I hope not. When technology changes we as a society change. Some were along the line we changed the actually meaning of love. Love needs to be....well you need to be able to tell them everything, you need to be able to understand them...completely. You can not really apply logic or formal reasoning...It is more of the person wanting to be your other "half". When you want to quit the other person needs to help you through what ever it is. That is basically all I have about love.

~Live Life to the Fullest~
on Feb 20, 2005
Shaun~ that's not love. Love is not pain. Read 1 Cornithians Chapt Thirteen it defines love.
on Feb 21, 2005
Love is not pain.

Not in itself...but it can invoke it...because people don't know how to handle it....it's not the emotion, it's the people trying to adapt to it.
