Have you ever been driving along, close to sunset, and you look out your window and see the sky, completely aluminated in bright orange and soft pink with a glory all in its self? How can any one who can see such an awsome, unbeleivable sight, still deny the one true living God? How can you say to your self, there is no God, while in the overwhelming glory of his presents? Do you ever just break down and cry because he is so good to you? I do. In the midst of all my pain and my worries, of all my silly little troubles, I find my self saying,"just one more day, sweet Lord." I just want to live to see the wonders and blessings of one more day. And finally, I am contented. For now I realize that the burden of finding my own way in life, does not lie upon me. I have given it to God, and he can do so much more with it than I ever can in my own strengh. I no longer need to suffer my own burden becaues they aren't mine! It's so awsome to pray and know you are heard. And to know, even when you can't feel His presents, that he is there. I finally realize that when things are the worst, and I'm thinking that God would never forske me this way, that he cannot hear me, now I know that faith is not based on feeling. And finally, I can live for a purpose.
Live and Learn,