I don't know what I'm doing....
show it
Published on March 31, 2005 By kinjruh In Misc
Well, I know I haven't written in a while, and I'm so sorry, but I have had nothing to write about and I've been swamped with life in general lately(any one out there felt that way for like a whole month?) So, any way, I wrote a poem today during geometry- most of all because geometry generally depresses me, but I'm had an epiphany of self-realization. I realized that the way I present myself is the only way people know how to treat me-this being a bad thing overall when I put myself in the crule and disrespectfull hands of others. I reflected over how my image came off to those people I care about and who i want more than anything to respect me and look well upon me, and it wasn't a pleasent sight. I will try much harder to contain my craziness untill acceptable times-and I hope those of you around me will hold me to it. I realize that I am unreasonably spastic and obnoxious most of the time, and now I know that this is the way I am perceived all the time. I just wanted to come off as optimistic and happy, but I guess it didn't turn out that way. I also try to stop the perverse and uneeded comments sometimes given by guys who don't respect me in the least-or don't respect themselves enough to know when to shut their mouthes, and I realize that sometimes it's just not effective for me to be the one confronting them and I'd appreciate maybe an interjection from a friend in these times of degridation. So thank you all for readind this far. I hope you like the poem or can relate to it in some way.


Degrated-I hate it.
Every day something new.
I can't deny one thing
I never would do.

But you cannot see that
you sit there like stone.
Absorbing their lies
The truth is disowned.

I'm better than that
Respect me-I plea!
Don't hate me for them
Don't beleive them for me.

I sit here regretting
The way I've been born
praying for silence
yet knowing I'm torn

Torn from the truth
and left with the lies
But knowing I'm tainted
through your gazing eyes.

I can't make it stop
But I know that you can
Please save my life-
speak up. Take a stand.

Comments (Page 3)
4 Pages1 2 3 4 
on Apr 09, 2005
Never mind i'm good
on Apr 10, 2005

on Apr 10, 2005

on Apr 11, 2005
i am scared..

on Apr 11, 2005
You should be.
on Apr 14, 2005
You should be.

Dont worry I am....

on Apr 14, 2005
i am scared..

You should be.

That sounds like something from a movie

on Apr 14, 2005
My God you kids are fun to read, to be so alive. sighhhh
on Apr 14, 2005
My God you kids are fun to read, to be so alive. sighhhh

Well, thanks...we try

on Apr 14, 2005

Thats so cool. I know how to do that now.
on Apr 14, 2005
Dont worry I am....

ah there we go. I always wondered how to make that little yellow thingy appear. And smileys, HOORAH
on Apr 15, 2005
I STILL don't know how to do that yellow boxy thingy!!! you'll have to give me lessons in Roderick, Sarah.

Your Friend,
on Apr 15, 2005
To use the yellow box just highlight some text and click the 'Q' button....or quote button if you're in the forums.

on Apr 17, 2005

like this......

on Apr 18, 2005
like this......


4 Pages1 2 3 4