I don't know what I'm doing....
is to be misunderstood...
Published on April 23, 2005 By kinjruh In Philosophy
I just finished reading a selection written by the great and admirable Emerson. This, being the gizillionth homework assignment from Mrs. Conkel's College English class of forebodence and despair, was a suprisingly enlightening peice of literature. The part that caught my attention was the last sentence, which read, "To be great is to be misunderstood..." If only we could all take this advice to heart, would we change at all? Is our longing to be understood stronger than our underlying will to seperate and become who we are? Are we all misuderstood in some way? If we look back at our infamouse examples of great people who were misunderstood, we find Jesus, Socrates, Aristotle, and Nostradomus, and these are all very encouraging examples of people leaving conformity and acceptance behind to walk their own paths, but what about the hundreds of others who have since attempted the like? I'm sure there are many people of whom we have no history lesson on, who also tried to walk their own paths, but never accomplished anything, or were wrong to begin with. So is it worth the small chance of being successfull after you are dead to think completely outside the box? Is it worth anything to continue being misunderstood?

Live on and Peace out,

on Apr 23, 2005
"To be great is to be misunderstood..."

I thought that to be a very good lesson. All great people were misunderstood for awhile. It just takes the courage to go out of the norm of society and take the extra leap to accomplish great things. If you are weird...chances are you are destined for great things.

on Apr 23, 2005
That's comforting! Thanks Zoo!
If you are weird...chances are you are destined for great things.

I feel happy to be weird. A word of encouragement from a friend goes a long way.

on Apr 23, 2005
That's comforting! Thanks Zoo!

No problem. I'll always be here for you.
