I don't know what I'm doing....
Published on February 19, 2005 By kinjruh In Home & Family
My head is numb
My words-unspoken
It's all because of me.
a family is not what we are,
it's what we'll never be.

Why can't we learn
Why can't you see,
inside these eyes, i burn.
A dead tomorrow filters through
and now we take our turns.

Nothing's left but broken peices
Peices of our minds.
We give and takebut don't surrender
and so it leaves us blind.

We lack the ight
yet love the lighters
which light death's crumbled fuse.
We can't forget,
but won't remember
the day we chose to choose.

I've lept away
and sang my song,
I've kissed the farthest stars.
I still can't be
where I belong,
What's yours, is mine. Not ours.

~Well, I've been having a little bit of a yucky time with my family lately, so bitter anguish is always better expressed in poetry.

Love Always,

on Feb 19, 2005
Not bad, Not bad at all. Dont worry it will turn around for you.


By the way you posted "This shallow purgatory" twice.
on Feb 19, 2005
Ummm....why dont you join the ACguild? it would be easier so that everyone can read your articles........

on Feb 19, 2005
Don't fear, Kendra....if we fight we can make it through even the darkest times in our lives. Never give up, and don't give in.

Good poem,

on Feb 19, 2005
Hi Shuan...How have you been? you to kendra..how have you been?

on Feb 20, 2005
Jeffers, seriously. What is up with you lately? It is really awsome and inspiring9and a bit releiving) to here you care so much and be letting people know it. Thank you for asking me haw I was, and I think I'm ok. Although it wouldn't hurt to hear from you once in a while... Thank you for everything!

Your friend,
on Mar 08, 2005
I'm sorry I didn't see this sooner. It's hard for me to visit everyone's blog, especially with Calc and Physics.

I like the poem.

That's really all I can say. Kendra, you are a wonderful person, and you deserve better than what you have been dealt. My prayer is that you will remember those of us who truly care about you, and want you to succeed and be what you want to be... even if you aren't sure about it yet.
