I've been tempted alot latley. Are you testing me? If you are, I apoligize ahead of time for screwing up. Yesterday, I cussed once. Outloud, too. And the locker ate my thumb nail. I didn't cuss that t ime, though. My mind keeps wandering away from the things my teachers are trying to tell me about...It's all DeBruin's fault, too. ( I'm just joshin' ya, God, DeBruin is awsome.) Thank you for DeBruin, and little DeBruin, and Sarandon. Thank you for friends, true friends. (You know, the...
Last night, Debruin and I had to go shopping for this huge tea party we are having this Sunday. This may seem like a really normal thing to do, (going shopping,that is- I don't think many 17 year olds still have tea parties) but for Debruin and I, its a diaster waiting to happen... Our first insident occured while finishing shopping at ALDI. we had just purchased a giant bag of Puff Corn and a box of German Chocolat cakes and were devouring them at a rate un-matched by most teenage gi...