I don't know what I'm doing....
kinjruh's Articles In Blogging
February 18, 2005 by kinjruh
I've been tempted alot latley. Are you testing me? If you are, I apoligize ahead of time for screwing up. Yesterday, I cussed once. Outloud, too. And the locker ate my thumb nail. I didn't cuss that t ime, though. My mind keeps wandering away from the things my teachers are trying to tell me about...It's all DeBruin's fault, too. ( I'm just joshin' ya, God, DeBruin is awsome.) Thank you for DeBruin, and little DeBruin, and Sarandon. Thank you for friends, true friends. (You know, the...
February 19, 2005 by kinjruh
Last night, Debruin and I had to go shopping for this huge tea party we are having this Sunday. This may seem like a really normal thing to do, (going shopping,that is- I don't think many 17 year olds still have tea parties) but for Debruin and I, its a diaster waiting to happen... Our first insident occured while finishing shopping at ALDI. we had just purchased a giant bag of Puff Corn and a box of German Chocolat cakes and were devouring them at a rate un-matched by most teenage gi...