or I'll be very angrey with you...
drip, drop...drip, doubble drop.... it's raining today.
For anyone one who was really board today, you could have came to my house. We had lots and lots of fun (me and other me.).
Imagination is like a bowl of severed morning glories. If you use them in cooking, it may taste bad. Which is what I did today. Use my imagination, that is...not cook morning glories.
I found out that some things are better left unsaid...
some people are better left than right,
some right is worse off than wrong
and wrong is only relative...
unless it's one of my relatives, then they are just wrong.
Lots of things end in "t" when they shouldn't.
like two foot is two feet,
but two boot isn't beet, it's boots.
and more than one man is men
but more than one pan, isn't pen, it's pans.
Alot of things can be wondered about by one person. But some people can sit for years and not wonder at all.
It's sad, isn't it?
Some body call me!!!!
Your Friend,
Bryan won't run away with me, will you?