Last night, Debruin and I had to go shopping for this huge tea party we are having this Sunday. This may seem like a really normal thing to do, (going shopping,that is- I don't think many 17 year olds still have tea parties) but for Debruin and I, its a diaster waiting to happen...
Our first insident occured while finishing shopping at ALDI. we had just purchased a giant bag of Puff Corn and a box of German Chocolat cakes and were devouring them at a rate un-matched by most teenage girls, when through the window of Debruin's Buick, we saw who we thought was David Crites. Debruin slows down to get a colse look at him, and by this time we are sure it is David, so in the small amount of time it took for us to scream "DAVID! DAVID!" while spitting Puff Corn all over our selves and pressing our faces against the window, we suddenly realized, "Oh my. This poor stranger is NOT David, but some innocent by-stander. Oh my." Red with emmbarrassment and now covered in soggy Puff Corn, we calmly drive away. We'll laugh about this later.
Our day preceeded with Debruin making several illegal turn-arounds and us buying a dozen of red roses for Thomas Adams(who dosn't even know us, but we knew where he lived and thought we'd suprise him...don't ever do that.) We lost DeBruins car, froze our selves to death, got sick on Puff Corn, delivered roses to an unsuspecting victim, became spies, slept on the floor of Pay Less Shoes, made rude and obsured calls to Skippy, (we always do that, though.) and had fun and made memories with out engaging in pre-marital sex, drugs, alcohol, or any thing too illegal. Kids really can have fun with out these things. to any one out there who thinks you have to use drugs and drink to have fun, come and hang out with me and the Debruins.
I'd love to here from any one who reminises about the good times you had with your friends in High School!
Love Always,